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Estonian Home Remedies and Medicines

Home remedies and medicine are often the first go-to in every household, and before we consult a doctor or physician, we tend to go through our cupboards and kitchen closets to look for stuff we can use. I have always been familiar with home remedies because, in my hometown, they are more trusted due to years of experience and guidance by the elders. Grandparents and elderly citizens in every household have a home remedy for every problem ranging from the common flu to severely twisted ankles. I was of the concept that this is something only used in Pakistan, and perhaps my parents are a little paranoid when it comes to medicinal use. Still, to my greater surprise, Estonians share similar beliefs! As much as this comes as a surprise to me, it makes me feel happy as it satisfies my inner paranoia regarding medicinal use.

When I came to Estonia, I heard about many herbs and wild plants being cultivated specifically for medicinal use. Owing to my interest and the popularity of using herbal cures in the twenty-first century, I realized that Estonia has several reasons and remedies due to its familiarity with nature. Many still collect berries, mushrooms, and potherb. Generally, collection of herbs is part of Estonian heritage and a lot of enterprises are dealing with herb selling. They can be bought from local grocery stores, markets, and even pharmacies. Medical doctors can recommend herbal treatments for mild illnesses, and many remedies are still held among modern Estonians.

Compared to the weather in my hometown, Estonia is cold, and the weather transition, on the other hand, is fast! There isn't much room for wearing lighter clothes due to the prolonged winters, so catching a cold is pretty common. When I moved to Estonia, I went through a similar cycle as I adjusted to the weather here; I had seen a severe cold. This was when my roommate suggested vodka socks.

At first, I didn't understand what it was, but it is an Estonian remedy and a wonder medicine for the cold. You need to drench the socks in vodka and put them on. I wanted a proper explanation for it, but once I used it, I realized it works as a warming compress, and as the spirits vaporize quickly, it adds to the layers of insulation like polythene, keeping you warm. There aren't any disadvantages; however, the skin does not react well to a long vodka compress. Moisturize after doing it! If you want to use it for a longer period, diluted vodka, or any other cheap wine helps. I never thought I'd be looking for vodka to dip my socks in, but I am glad I discovered it. It is a wonder medicine, and it does work!

Another important home remedy used to ease symptoms of respiratory issues is known as the mustard plaster. It can be used for coughing and congestion, as well as back aches, cramps and even arthritis. Mustard seeds have been used in medicine since the early days and according to the users, it is effective because this remedy increases circulation and warms up the muscles, thereby making one more active.

Likewise, mustard baths are one of the traditional remedies that have been used to treat cold, stress, fever and congestion. It works by stimulating the sweat glands and opening up the pores so the body can get rid of the toxins. It also relieves congestion and pain! Home remedies and medicine go side by side and just like my hometown, Estonia follows the same rich culture!

Written by Hasnat


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